Teaching Certificate? We Can Help!
Do you want to earn a teacher’s certification?
Standardized Tests Part 3: Teaching Certificate? We Can Help!
In our previous two posts we shared information on how DANTES will pay the fee for you to take tests you need for college admission and how to get credit-by-exam. But what if you want to earn a teacher’s certification?
Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
What Tests Do You Need to Take?
Do you want to pursue a career in teaching, shaping future generations? If so, we can determine which tests you need to take, help you prepare to ace them, and even pay the testing fees.
The Praxis Series® Exams
If you want to become a teacher, you’ll need to take the Praxis® tests. You can take the Praxis Core and Praxis Subject Assessment exams while you’re a student in a college-level teacher-preparation program, or you can wait and take them as a teacher-licensing program once you’ve finished your degree. Each state sets its own requirements for which tests to take and determines what constitutes a passing score. DANTES funds one Praxis Core and one Praxis Subject Assessment exam per lifetime for eligible military personnel. Now that the Praxis exams are computer-based, many more testing sites are available. The exams can now be taken stateside at any Prometric test center; if you’re based overseas, you can take them year-round at on-base Outside Contiguous United States (OCONUS) test centers. You’ll be eligible for reimbursement after you’ve completed each Praxis exam.
Let's Do This!
You know you’re ready for what’s next. After all, if you weren’t determined and goal-oriented, you wouldn’t be researching ways to advance your career! For that dedication, and for your Service to your country, we salute you. DANTES is at the ready to help you in the next step of your professional and educational journey.
Let’s define your future together. Visit the DANTES website anytime to learn how we can help you prepare and pay for the testing you need.
Nancy Hamilton, DANTES Editor
For valuable education resources, check out the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) website