Preparation Is the Key to Success
Now is the time to dream big!
Get Ready for the Virtual Education Fair
Looking to start pursuing your college degree? Before you apply to schools, you’ll need to learn about your options, get your questions answered, and develop a plan. The college degree you choose may not determine every career decision you make, however, it helps to think ahead about where you want to go.
The Virtual Education Fair on August 11th is an ideal opportunity for you to start planning for college. Representatives from more than 40 schools, affiliated with the Department of Defense, will be available to answer your questions and help you become familiar with college admissions and use of your military benefits.
Think About Your Goals
Now is the time to dream big! What do you want to do next? Think about what you enjoy doing most, what skills you can transfer from your military service, and where you want to make a difference.
Your degree will give you an entry ticket to greater employment opportunities, but you’ll need to educate yourself about the steps necessary to reach your goals. For example, if you’re interested in a law enforcement or nursing career, you may need to consider programs that incorporate relevant internships. If you plan to become a teacher, you’ll need to consider how to complete student teaching and entry-level requirements such as professional exams.
The more you know about the steps needed to complete your degree and start your next career, the easier it will be to stay on track with your degree program. Representatives at the Virtual Ed Fair will be able to help you figure out what you need to do to achieve your goals.
Think About Finances
With the cost of education continuing to rise, it helps to be as realistic as possible about what you can afford and how to take advantage of as many benefits as possible. As a Service member, you’ll need to know the details of your military benefits. You should find out what other financial aid, scholarships, or work-study programs are available. At the Virtual Ed Fair, you’ll be able to get answers to your questions from experts on financial aid and the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
Think About Questions Ahead of Time
Selecting a school means considering several factors, including the quality of the specific degree program. You’ll need to understand admissions procedures to include the application process, test score requirements, and deadlines. You should ask about the differences between online and in-person degree programs. If you make a list of your questions, it will be easy to get the answers you need at the Virtual Ed Fair, where representatives will be dedicated to helping you apply your military benefits toward a college degree.
Remember, representatives from more than 40 institutions, as well as federal partners – including the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). They’ll all be available at the Virtual Education Fair to chat live and answer your questions. Videos will also be available to provide essential information about schools and degree plans. There’s no pressure, so you can feel free to explore and get the information you need. Just remember to write down your questions beforehand, so you can get the most from the event!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sign up for the Virtual Education Fair @ www.dodeducationfair.com