Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics offer Bright Career Opportunities
Learn How Logistics Experience Can Help Your Transition
Whether managing a pre-deployment station, handing out ammunition, or performing inventory, logistics is something every
Service member has had some sort of experience with while serving in the military. "Bright Outlook" occupations in the
Transportation, Distribution or Logistics career fields are out there waiting for you and other Service members!
Bright Outlook occupations are jobs that should grow rapidly over the next several years,
according to the Department of Labor. They will have a large number of job openings or may be new and emerging occupations.
Every ten years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases employment projection data to provide information useful when
choosing a career or determining the education and training needed for job success. These projections feed the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by BLS. The handbook is a guide to career information that students can use to learn about hundreds
of occupations and the education and training required. The DANTES-sponsored College and Career Planning Counseling Services
System, powered by Kuder Journey ®, is fed by these same occupation projections, making it easier for you to access career
We’re pretty sure that you have had some experience with logistics during your military service. Whether it’s hot chow, mail to boost morale, or those size 10 boots you requested that were delivered as a pair of size 4 dress flats, you recognize the value of logistics personnel. Kuder Journey is a great tool to use in finding occupations specifically related to your military job, such as Logistics. Here are a few jobs listed in Kuder that you may be qualified for:
- Logisticians
- Cargo and Freight Agents
- Human Resource Managers
- Procurement Clerks
- Postal Service Clerks
- Shipping and Receiving Clerks
- Transportation Managers
- Database Administrators
- Storage and Distribution Managers
Transportation and Distribution Too!
Today’s workplace recognizes the value of transportation, distribution and logistics. When you’ve got the right person in place – there isn’t anything an organization can’t accomplish. There is a popular saying that – "Amateurs talk tactics and professionals talk logistics."
It’s also been said that a good logistics analyst has a bit of a fortune teller mindset. They have to have the ability to see what future needs may be required. A logistics analyst maintains a database of logistical information and interprets the data as possible shortages or surpluses, resupply, and even strategic sourcing. Let Kuder® Journey career planning identify where your strengths and skills are in the logistics industry and diagram the correct route for your successful career Take advantage of this no-cost program today!
Forward thinkers will shape the future of logistics. The same type of innovative ideas you learned and used during your military career will serve you well in this career field. To see how your career path as a logistics analyst will take you to a successful future, click here!
If you have more questions, remember … you can always find more information on DANTES VolEd programs at our website and on our Service member blog! DANTES is here to help you determine and manage your future career planning and educational success.