Back to School: Tips on How to Succeed
The start of school is a great time for a fresh start and a clear mindset.
If you haven’t noticed yet, school is right around the corner! The good news is that the start of school is a great time for a fresh start and a clear mindset. When starting anything new, it can be easier to change several habits at once. Students may even find that they are more successful in school the second time around.
Some Service members have been out of the classroom for years, while others have completed high school recently. Because the pace of education is changing so quickly, you may discover that many of your courses are now offered online or in a hybrid format with some online and some face-to-face components. In courses that allow students to log in and complete assignments at different times rather than always meeting at the same time each week, you will need to have strong written communication skills AND SELF DISCIPLINE SKILLS.
Whether you plan to attend class in person or log in for your first online class, don’t forget these back-to-school essentials provided by DANTES.
Prepare for Class
If you are preparing to attend in a traditional classroom environment, you may be familiar with some of these steps: purchase textbooks, ensure there were no issues with your enrollment, learn the instructor’s name, and make sure you know where to go. When you learn in an online or hybrid format, however, you may need to get up to speed on current technology. Make sure you can find your way around an online portal and ensure that your devices are working properly.
Not sure if you’re ready for distance learning? DANTES offers a Distance Learning Readiness Self-Assessment. Before you begin your course, you can check your readiness and address any gaps in your skills before class starts. Distance learning courses are becoming increasingly user-friendly, and the DLRSA helps ensure that you make the most of these classes.
Focus on Math and English
Strong math and writing skills are critical to continuing education courses as well as to general career success. In school and in your career, you’ll need to be able to communicate your ideas clearly using the standards of each field of study.
If you are concerned about your math and writing skills, you may want to consider taking the Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) or College Placement Skills Training (CPST). Both courses help you check your skills and provide ways for you to target any areas of weakness. It’s a good idea to become prepared for college-level work before taking—and paying for—college-level courses.
Take Advantage of Support
All students can benefit from help. If you or your family member are planning to take CLEP or DSST exams, preparation can help you save significant money. Be sure to take advantage of all the resources provided by Peterson’s DoD MWR Libraries: online books for subject review, fact sheets and portable practice tests that you can download and take anytime. Additionally, DANTES provides free online tutoring for all Service members and their families. Receive tutoring in specific subject areas and get a head start on your courses with 24/7 support at
Ready for success? Click here for more on DANTES tools:
- Equipped for distance learning? Take the DLRSA.
- Want to assess your math and English skills? Visit OASC and CPST.
- Need to prepare for a big exam? Visit with 24/7 support.